A headshot of Laura Edelson.

Laura Edelson

I am a computer scientist with expertise in large online networks and extensive real-world experience building big data machine learning augmented systems. My current research involves large-scale analysis of online paid political content on major platforms such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter, and the development of methods to detect inauthentic content and fraudulent actors. I am an Assistant Professor at Northeastern University and I co-lead the Cybersecurity for Democracy.

Selected Papers

Audit of Facebook’s Political Ad Policy Enforcement USENIX Security 2022. Victor LePochat, Laura Edelson, Tom Van Goethem, Wouter Joosen, Damon McCoy, and Tobias Lauinger

A Standard for Universal Digital Ad Transparency 2021. Knight First Amendment Institute Occasional Papers Series. Laura Edelson, Jason Chuang, Erika Franklin-Fowler, Michael Franz, and Travis Ridout.

Engagement with US (Mis)information News Sources on Facebook Proceedings of the 21st ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC). Laura Edelson, Minh-Kha Nguyen, Ian Goldstein, Oana Goga, Damon McCoy, Tobias Lauinger.

A Security Analysis of the Facebook Advertising Library IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P) 2021, Laura Edelson, Tobias Lauinger and Damon McCoy.

Selected Other Writings

We Need Product Safety Regulations for Social Media Nov. 2023. Scientific American.

It’s Time to Open the Black Box of Social Media Apr. 2022. Scientific American. With Reneé DiResta, Brendan Nyhan, and Ethan Zuckerman.

Platform Transparency Legislation: The Whos, Whats and Hows Apr. 2022. Lawfare.

We Research Misinformation on Facebook. It Just Disabled Our Accounts Aug. 2021. New York Times. With Damon McCoy.


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